Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Dropped 8lbs :)

I don't know how it happened or when but I weighed myself last night before destroying my back and it seems like I am down to 242 lbs. I am excited, and will give credit to the all powerful diet that I have been sticking to and yes of course the cardio. Progress is always awesome but to jump on that scale and see it made me happy.

To think, me getting excited over losing weight versus gaining it, wtf has happened to me?! 7lbs till to go, so erm yay.

BTW! Buy my new Big Box Of Grits Shirts! They are awesome:

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Being An A_hole Does Not Make You Great

Alot of us serious weight lifting individuals come from different walks of life. That being said, it sucks that alot of times outsiders lump us all up into the same stigma and I don't appreciate it. In general I can place the gym attitudes into different categories from experience and aside from number one, I hate all the rest.

1) Focused Lifter - Comes in does his routine, may say hi or bye to fellow friends and leaves.
2) Mediocre Poser - Usually pretty strong and knows it so he makes extra noise, drops the weight and expresses how heavy his lifts are all in an attempt to get a few eyes his way.
3) Juiced Up Poser - Sigh, this is my least favorite. You can usually tell because this idiot has to take off his shirt 90% of the time. It is equally disturbing when there are only guys in the gym... who's he impressing?
4) Soft Expert - This guy has been in the gym forever but has not taken the time to learn anything about his body so therefore he doesn't look like he lifts but he is quick to correct you or hang around for 3 hours talking to everyone.

I am not saying I am perfect or innocent by any means but to be lumped into the same classification as the heroes described after 1, just sucks.

/rant off

Monday, August 08, 2005

Chest Day 8/08/05

So I decided to give the old routine of staying up all night working then trying to lift a rest and actually get disciplined. The start of this week I left the PC alone and delved into my book "A Man of Honor" by Joe Bonanno. Not only is it a solid read, it also leads to yours truly falling asleep at a decent time at night. So on this particular bench day I was stronger, alot stronger. Good stuff , if I say so myself.

Flat Bench: 135x10 • 220x10 • 220x10 • 315x8 • 365x6 • 415x6 • 405x2
Inclined Dumbell Press: 100x10 • 100x10 • 100x10
Declined Smith Press: 315x10 • 315x10 • 220x10
Cable Crossovers: Bah it's a friggin Cable Machine (baby weight) who cares?
Dips:10 • 12 • 8 *CRASH* Too much on flat bench.

Treadmill 30 minutes • I was a good boy today :)