Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas Basement Regimen

Being at my mom's for Christmas with no tech worked out to be a dream come true. She is in the middle of a move so her basement lay empty which meant only one thing - daily prison workouts! I did a series of these every other day and in a week's time I had lost 6lbs and looked even leaner. I varied my workout every time but this is the non Martial art variant.

Jean Val Jean Workout #1

4 x 25 Chain Breakers
4 x 100 Deep Side Bends
4 x 50 Knee raises
4 x 40 Single Arm Overhead Tricep Extensions (15lb weights)
4 x 25 ATF Air Squats
4 x 80 Stairs (run up them not jog)
4 x 25 Give Aways (15lb weights)
4 x 50 Pushups (wide grip)
1 hr in the Sauna

Saturday, March 23, 2013

1st Attempt At Sumo Deadlifts

Since I subscribe to a myriad of blogs that I consider quality, it isn't out of the question that I run into articles on alternative and non-popular exercise techniques once in awhile. Wednesday evening the fellas and I did 10 x 50yd sprints and my energy was at it's peak. I flew through them as if they were nothing and when I got home I took a glance at one of these blog articles.

The article as on Sumo Deadlifts and the misconceptions that come with them. It also suggested that we mix it in with our standard Deadlifts (alternating days) during the week... CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. I went in there Friday morning late and gave it a shot, felt wonderful. Unfortunately I only had time for 3 movements but I can feel it today and that's a good thing!

Here's the rundown:

Sumo Deads: 8 x 225 lbs, 6 x 315 lbs, 2 x 365 lbs, 1 x 365 lbs
Dumbell Pullovers: 8 x 100 lbs, 8 x 100 lbs, 8 x 100 lbs.
Cable Rows: 8 x 190 lbs, 8 x 190 lbs. 8 x 190 lbs.

Never seen a Sumo dead? Here's what it looks like:

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Kicking That Gorilla's Ass

So there I was all geared up to run on Sunday when 2 miles in the fat gorilla from days of no cardio decided to bring his foul, heavy behind and sit on my shoulders. The thing about this gorilla is that he doesn't go away, no sir, not during your exercise he don't - you have to fight to get rid of him. So 6.17 miles of hell with no runner's high, no 3rd gear, NOTHING, I limped back to my car and went home.

I told myself that this is a sign that I need to go on ahead and kickstart the diet... there is no way me missing one week of running should resurrect the monkey, but of course it did. I started a semi-paleo thing on Monday and had a pretty banging workout this morning (despite the rush due to rolling out of bed late).

Tuesday - Chest Day (3/19/13)

Flat Barbell Bench press - 225lbs x 10 • 275lbs x 6 • 225lbs x 8
Flat Dumbell Bench press - 100lbs x 8 reps x 3 sets - almost crushed my phone dropping these heavy hammers after a set. Whew!
Cable Crossovers - 80 lbs x 3

Today seems to be salmon day... had eggs and salmon for lunch with some Romain lettuce and for dinner it will be salmon steaks and Kale.

Though I wanted to get some pullovers done I was out of time, but as I write this I feel the pump just a tad so it ain't all that bad. Tomorrow morning I will be banging out back and then sprints in the evening. Looking forward to it more than you know.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Big Man In The City

Recently a buddy of mine did a photo shoot of me entitled "Boss of Tampa" and I was really surprised as to how much size I had lost. The scale may tip me to 271 lbs but I am swimming in clothes that used to fit me well (have to go shopping soon). Check your boy out!

Return of The Dragon

Prepping for the 8 Mile Run
I have ascended... when I started this blog so long ago I had a goal in mind to become larger than life and I have flown, stumbled a few times, and did well.

It is hard to decide what the "goal" is right now outside of just being in good shape... I look over the workout routines from the past and I was getting stronger but not necessarily in good shape.

The image to the right is how I look currently; my weight is 271 lbs, I wear it well, and I am jogging up to 8 miles every Sunday - can you believe that!? The days are typically lifting at 6 am - 7:30 or so, then work - except on Wednesdays I do 10 x 50 yard sprints with a couple buddies from work.

I want to get to the point of doing 2-a-days but injuries slow me down at times (right now it's my back and wrist)... oh and I am an owner in another business I helped start... time waits for no-one.

It would be a good idea for me to check in here once in a blue moon to show progress as I push for the ultimate goal of 245 lbs brick, and the ease of running a half-marathon without issue. Lofty goal but it's what we N7 Operatives do :) Here's to further ascension and a possible seat among the fitness gods in this life.