Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Post Diet - Chest Workout

Having gotten back into Star Wars Galaxies, I've sacrificed my nap time to play that game. With that being said, I am still amazed at the amount of energy I have now. Yesterday was a good example, here are my stats for chest day:

Flat Bench Press: 135x14 • 135x14 • 220x10 • 315x5 • 220x8
Incline Dumbell Press: 85x10 • 85x6 • 85x8
Dumbell Pullovers: 85x10 • 85x10 • 85x10
Decline Bench Press: 220x8 • 185x10 • 220x7
Butterfly: 175x10 • 175x10 • 175x10

Ya I know, it looks weak but it will pop back up - strength isn't my aim right now :)

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Diet Stats - 8lbs less, 8 times sexier

Over the last 4 weeks I have buttoned down my diet, apparently I was BSing my workout before by avoiding this.
I've been maintaining a balance of 50/30/20 (50% protein, 30% Carbohydrates, 20% fat) at a rate of less than 2500 calories a day to cut weight fast. So far it is working and I've shaved 8 of 15 goal pounds, which makes me happy. The part I don't like is the constant hunger and low blood sugar attacks I've been dealing with. One morning I woke up weak, feeling like I needed to throw up. In desparation to avoid hurling, I threw back a glass of water and quickly fixed a tuna sandwich, on reflexion I realized that I had cut way too many carbs the day before (stupid me). The upside is I look good, when I flex my chest I can see the ripple run from south to north and the skin on my arms appears thinner, showing a few more veins etc. My waist has always been my biggest obstacle but it is obviously trimming down as I continue this painful diet.

It feels good to eat right, I cannot express this any better than I am here. At first I had the temptations: friends with temptingly fatty foods, co-workers who make it their goal to crack me, a fellow weight lifter who pops pizzas and of course the all powerful sweet tooth. At first I would crack, and give in with the "I will run it off" BS escuse, but now I don't even want it, call it obsession but if the fat grams are higher than either the protein or carbs I think it's disgusting. I actually gave away ice cream the other day ICE frikkin CREAM folks, if you knew me you'd understand. I look at my before pictures and remember how proud I was of my size pffft, I am alot sexier now, and getting sexier still. Diet is king, I bowed to it and it is rewarding me for my sacrifice.