Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Attitude for a Chest Workout

It feels good, you know, "that" type of good... the kind that is more a release than a gain. I do the 9 to 5 and head home late, working does that... add in the web thing and I feel beat at about 8:00 pm. I don't mean the "oh what a day" type of beat, I mean the "I just want to lay here and not move" type. Two doses of the ol' Hydroxycuts hardcore puts all that shit to rest, 10:00 pm hits and I'm pushing my whip all the way to Gold's Gym for some friggin relief. Meeting friends, busting balls and talking trash, bah that's just bonus, I grab the iron and it's as if I just woke up. It's on.

Incline Bench Press: 135x10 • 135x10 • 225x5 • 275x3
Flat Dumbell Press: 100x10 • 105x8 • 110x5
Decline Bench Press: 225x10 • 225x8 • 225x6
Cable Cross-overs: 70x10 • 80x10 • 90x10
Dips: 10 • 8

May not seem like much but I crushed it; I feel good sitting here typing this and sipping on my protein shake. Some jackass cut me off on the way to the gym and it was the wrong thing to do, never cross a workaholic who's hopped up on ephedryne and Black empowerment CDs. Poor guy got an earful of horn and the middle finger, I'm not proud of it but it shows you how hungry I am when I'm on my way to the lab.... stay the hell out of my way. I feel swollen, damn this feels good, tomorrow I'm getting up early to run, who needs sleep right?