Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Back to the basics

Tonight we banged chest, per the norm for a monday. Here is the breakdown, unfortunately I woke up late (11am) so I missed out on the martial arts training and breakfast, in any event I was very strong tonight. It's scary:

Meal01 - Chicken Breast, Spinach and Swiss Cheese in a Spinach Wrap /w Water
Meal02 - Almonds and Apple
Meal03 - Chicken Breast and Spinach salad
Meal04 - LeanBody Protein Shake (These are DELICIOUS!!!!)

Flat BenchPress - 14x135, 14x135, 10x225, 8x315, 6x405 RAWR!!!!!!
Incline Dumbell Flies - 10x50, 10x65, 10x65
Decline BenchPress - 10x315, 6x315, 6x315
Dips - 10, 10, 8
Cable Crossovers - 10x80, 10x90, 10x80

This was a good day, I feel very relaxed as I write this and look forward to sprinting in the morn.