Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Fat Boy in the Promised Land

"Yes I am fat... 270lbs to be exact. How the hell do you put on 25 lbs in the span of 4 months beats me... well late nights of coding, 2 days max of weight-lifiting, 0 cardio and oh ya diet... what diet? Now I am here in the new year, fat, wasting money on clothes that are at the size I thought I was and pretty much pissed at myself."

Not to worry I'm working on it, the time off has made me a bit stronger and since January I've been back in the lab 5 days a week. We still sprint on sundays and 3 nights out of the week I am actively running. The problem though is I am older and the fat is more stubborn. When I had the youthful X-Factor, I could burn back to normal within 2 months and I am noticing now that I can no longer afford lengthy breaks from this lifestyle.

With new resolve and limited clothes (due to being a fat ass) keeping me focused, I will resume blogging my workouts. I hope to reread this in April and laugh at myself witd renewed fervor and slim waistline.