Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Kicking That Gorilla's Ass

So there I was all geared up to run on Sunday when 2 miles in the fat gorilla from days of no cardio decided to bring his foul, heavy behind and sit on my shoulders. The thing about this gorilla is that he doesn't go away, no sir, not during your exercise he don't - you have to fight to get rid of him. So 6.17 miles of hell with no runner's high, no 3rd gear, NOTHING, I limped back to my car and went home.

I told myself that this is a sign that I need to go on ahead and kickstart the diet... there is no way me missing one week of running should resurrect the monkey, but of course it did. I started a semi-paleo thing on Monday and had a pretty banging workout this morning (despite the rush due to rolling out of bed late).

Tuesday - Chest Day (3/19/13)

Flat Barbell Bench press - 225lbs x 10 • 275lbs x 6 • 225lbs x 8
Flat Dumbell Bench press - 100lbs x 8 reps x 3 sets - almost crushed my phone dropping these heavy hammers after a set. Whew!
Cable Crossovers - 80 lbs x 3

Today seems to be salmon day... had eggs and salmon for lunch with some Romain lettuce and for dinner it will be salmon steaks and Kale.

Though I wanted to get some pullovers done I was out of time, but as I write this I feel the pump just a tad so it ain't all that bad. Tomorrow morning I will be banging out back and then sprints in the evening. Looking forward to it more than you know.

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