Saturday, March 23, 2013

1st Attempt At Sumo Deadlifts

Since I subscribe to a myriad of blogs that I consider quality, it isn't out of the question that I run into articles on alternative and non-popular exercise techniques once in awhile. Wednesday evening the fellas and I did 10 x 50yd sprints and my energy was at it's peak. I flew through them as if they were nothing and when I got home I took a glance at one of these blog articles.

The article as on Sumo Deadlifts and the misconceptions that come with them. It also suggested that we mix it in with our standard Deadlifts (alternating days) during the week... CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. I went in there Friday morning late and gave it a shot, felt wonderful. Unfortunately I only had time for 3 movements but I can feel it today and that's a good thing!

Here's the rundown:

Sumo Deads: 8 x 225 lbs, 6 x 315 lbs, 2 x 365 lbs, 1 x 365 lbs
Dumbell Pullovers: 8 x 100 lbs, 8 x 100 lbs, 8 x 100 lbs.
Cable Rows: 8 x 190 lbs, 8 x 190 lbs. 8 x 190 lbs.

Never seen a Sumo dead? Here's what it looks like:

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